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 cmSlate: the HbG Content Management System Basic: My Basic Channel

Using the Basic Template
Click here to show hide static content

It is on a file in the HbG/basic folder, and can display custom html.

CSS Code:
Click to view CSS code
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My Basic Page uses the Basic Template

I have basic stuff here

Basically, this page shows posts as they fall in the data file, and groups types only when they are chosen in the tabs. Pretty basic. The most recent post will go on top.

If posts are more numerous that a preset amount (adjustable by the webguy), pagination will appear at the top and bottom of the page.

This is extra basic info. Plenty of room.

Each template has its default grid: that is, the columns that the page's post will appear in, as well as the orientation and size of any Key Image. Each Category can adjust the defaults for the template, if desired, and each Type can override the Category defaults.

Basic URL
Basic price: $500.03
Posted 11/06/20 13:44 by Anon Under Business Permalink 1334371597

The second most recent post title

The second most recent post title
A basic image caption
A basic Subtitle.

The second post is much like the first. Basic, basic, basic.

This image is hosted in the Linkables folder as an archived image., so it won't be deleted by mistake.

Captions can be added to images. They are built into the file names, and since more than one post can reference an image, if you add or change the caption, the image will be duplicated and renamed. This may cause unused images to appear in the category folder, but these can be cleaned out in the Backroom, if it bothers you.

Posted Oct 13, 12 by Ric Kolseth Under Complaining Permalink 1334371610

The Third Most Recent Post

June 11, 2015

The location for the NC Council of Chapters state convention in 2015 is the High Hampton Inn located in Cashiers, NC in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. To learn more about the facility, its amenities and nearby places of interest, go to www.highhamptoninn.com.

Posted Aug 2, 15 by Ric Kolseth Under Coding Permalink 1334371623

A complaint

This post is assigned a type

Each post in a category may be assigned its own Type, or Sub-Category. Each Type can be assigned it's own overrides for Grid, Image orientation, and Image size.

Extra Info

Posted 05/14/19 by Ric Kolseth Under Complaining Permalink 1334371649

1Post 2 Xavier

June 10, 2015

This field will hold up to 2,000 characters, but the counter does not count returns

This field will hold up to 2,000 characters, but the counter does not count returns

Posted May 19, 16 by Ric Kolseth Under Coding Permalink 1334371662

2Post 6 Fred Sr III

June 15, 2015

I have begun the clean up of the HbG CMS code and packaging of it into a template. The trouble is, I like the design of the pared-down site.

Oh well.

Posted Oct 13, 12 by Ric Kolseth Under Complaining Permalink 1334371688

2Post 6 Fred Sr II

June 11, 2015

The location for the NC Council of Chapters state convention in 2015 is the High Hampton Inn located in Cashiers, NC in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. To learn more about the facility, its amenities and nearby places of interest, go to www.highhamptoninn.com.

Posted Aug 2, 15 by Ric Kolseth Under Coding Permalink 1334371701

2Post 2 Xavier

June 10, 2015

This field will hold up to 2,000 characters, but the counter does not count returns

This field will hold up to 2,000 characters, but the counter does not count returns

Posted May 19, 16 by Ric Kolseth Under Coding Permalink 1334371740

3Post 6 Fred Sr III

June 15, 2015

I have begun the clean up of the HbG CMS code and packaging of it into a template. The trouble is, I like the design of the pared-down site.

Oh well.

Posted Oct 13, 12 by Ric Kolseth Under Complaining Permalink 1334371766

3Post 6 Fred Sr II

June 11, 2015

The location for the NC Council of Chapters state convention in 2015 is the High Hampton Inn located in Cashiers, NC in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. To learn more about the facility, its amenities and nearby places of interest, go to www.highhamptoninn.com.

Posted Aug 2, 15 by Ric Kolseth Under Coding Permalink 1334371779