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 cmSlate: the HbG Content Management System Journal: Using the Journal template

Journal uses the Journal template. No surprises here
This is the Journal Template

The Journal template is not a grouped template. Posts appear in order, with the most recent appearing first.

The first post Is full width and fully displayed in the center content area; the next two split the space, and the remaining posts appear in three columns, with reduced content. To see the whole post, you can click the title.

The Text field in the Control Panel can hold up to 20,000 characters. That's a lot of typing.

The Plus field can hold another 20,000 characters. That's a lot of text. This batch of text can be formatted differently than the Text field, but doesn't have to be.

Here, the plus field is slightly indented. In other templates, like the Directory, The Plus field is only visible to logged-in admins, and could hold private information. In E-commerce enabled categories, the template scans this area for dollar signs, and parses them into Paypal buttons.

Go to the Second page of Posts

Posted 10/08/20 by Webguy Under Introduction Permalink 1602180689
A Subsequent Post.
Designed on a Mac
A Subsequent Post.
This is an example post for you.

The main body of the Journal entry is typed into the Description Field. Each line of the field is broken into paragraphs, automagically.

The field can handle html, if you can type it. No javascripting allowed, tho.

Links are fine.

You can even embed video...