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 cmSlate: the HbG Content Management System About Us : cmSlate


About About Us

Who am I?

Ric Kolseth: The author

Years ago, I started tinkering with dynamic site content. In the distant, murky past, there was NewsPro; an cgi-based script that was pretty much unsupported. In an effort to provide the ability for some organizations to update job listings and such, I began a journey that included early blog software... which quickly became almost impenetrable and hard to customize.

The HbG CMS is designed for small-to medium sites, and has grown organically over the years to meet the requests and needs of my clients. It‘s powered by PHP and Bootstrap's Responsive Design, and based on flat files rather than a database, though I have integrated databases into specific sites.

It continues to grow today. I can hear it calling... "Feed me, Seymour!"

Contact the Hillbilly Geek: located in scenic Todd, North Carolina

a.K.A. Lost Province Productions • 828.773.5705

Meet the Webguy
01/13/20/ Webguy/ About/


Site Hosting

Site Hosting
Its a big big big big gun
NOT in our basement!

Lost Province Productions provides managed virtual hosting through InMotion Hosting. One affordable yearly hosting fee pays for your server, and we can wrap in your domain name fees as well, so you can ignore all the scam emails from bogus Internet Services. Relax! We've got you.

Inmotion Hosting
06/22/19/ Ric Kolseth/ Services/


Images are essential in our visually-oriented world. If you need photography services, we take some pretty nice pix.

My Email
09/10/18/ Ron Kolseth/ Services/


Sell your product or service on your website

Our custom templates are perfect for small businesses. We can build in Paypal or Square interfaces for you to use.

Apr 25, 12/ Ric Kolseth/ Services/