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 cmSlate: the HbG Content Management System Basic: My Basic Channel

Using the Basic Template
Click here to show hide static content

It is on a file in the HbG/basic folder, and can display custom html.

CSS Code:
Click to view CSS code
body {
	background: #e0e5ec;
h1 {
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.frame {
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button {
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.custom-btn {
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/* 1 */
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/* 2 */
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/* 3 */
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/* 4 */
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/* 5 */
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/* 6 */
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/* 7 */
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/* 8 */
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/* 9 */
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/* 10 */
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/* 11 */
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/* 12 */
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/* 13 */
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/* 14 */
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/* 15 */
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/* 16 */
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